to promote and educate an awareness of the horse industry; encourage, develop and maintain land and trails…
to encourage and promote all equestrian types and disciplines in the Enchanted Mountains region
Cazenovia College Equine Programs
provides students with the skills necessary to pursue either a hands-on or support sector position in the equine industry
Chautauqua County Equestrian Trail System, Inc. (CCETS)
volunteers dedicated to the growth and management of the Horse Trail System in Cherry Creek, Chautauqua County, NY
Chautauqua Rails-to-Trails
non profit corporation to acquire, develop and maintain multi purpose recreational trails for public use on or near abandoned railroad rights of way
comprised of the individual State Horse Councils that are member organizations of the American Horse Council
Cornell Animal Science Major
prepares students for study in veterinary medicine or careers in animal production, biotechnology, and conservation
Cornell College Equestrian Club
provides students with the opportunity to horseback ride and spend time with other students that share an interest in riding
Cornell College of Veterinary Medicine
a global leader in veterinary medical education, animal medicine, biomedical research, and public health
Cornell Cooperative Ext: Chautauqua Co
addressing priority needs in agriculture, environment and energy, youth development, family services, and watershed stewardship
Cornell Cooperative Ext: Erie Co
a subordinate governmental agency with an educational mission
Cornell Cooperative Ext: Niagara Co
responding to the needs of local residents with unbiased, research-based information, tools and education
Cornell Cooperative Ext: Orleans Co
puts knowledge to work in pursuit of economic vitality, ecological sustainability and social well-being