resource for all distance riders and home of the Ride Camp Mail List,  devoted to endurance and distanced riding topics

Equestrian Aid Foundation

to build a membership based org. to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support

Equestrian Land Conservation Resource

a national nonprofit org dedicated to assisting all who live, work with, and ride horses to preserve land for equine use   Lexington, KY

Equine Advocates Rescue & Sanctuary
501(c)(3) to rescue, protect and prevent the abuse of horses through education, investigation, rescue operations..
sanctuary for slaughter-bound, abused and neglected horses
Equine Experiential Education Association
international professional membership organization that builds, delivers, and supports excellence in the field of Equine Assisted Learning.
Equine Fund, The   (ASPCA)
awards substantial grants to established organizations across the country that work to make life better for horses
leads in the protection and conservation of lands for the horse and horse-related activities
Equine Rescue, Inc
providing care, rehabilitation and adoption services for abused, neglected, abandoned and unwanted horses
Equine Rescue Resource
501(c)3 to rescue and rehabilitate equines with the goal of finding them safe and loving homes
Equine Research Foundation
501(c)3 furthers scientific and public knowledge about equine learning abilities, perception, behavior, training, care and welfare
Equine Welfare Alliance
dedicated to ending the slaughter of American Horses and the preservation and protection of Wild Horses & Burros on public lands
EQUUS Foundation
the only national charity in the United States 100% dedicated to ensuring the welfare of America's horses and fostering the horse-human bond
Equus Survival Trust
to ensure healthy wild horses and burros on thriving public rangelands, under the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act

working together to save endangered equine breeds, 501(c)3 providing grassroots conservation, education, and support for breeds on our Equine Conservation List

FEI: Fédération Equestre Internationale

the international federation for equestrian sport based in Switzerland

Finger Lakes Thoroughbred Adoption Program
501(c)3 works with trainers at the track and with people interested in acquiring an OTTB to help the retiring race horses find ideal new homes
raising awareness and funding for equine assisted therapies
to preserve and promote the unique character, history and beauty of the Park for the community and for generations to come

non profit organization to provide information to the public about the humane care, treatment and training of gaited horses, with a special emphasis on the Tennessee Walking Horse, and to promote the exhibition of the flat shod walking horse at competitions designed to showcase the natural gaited pleasure walking horse. We fight against the cruel and illegal practices of soring that are often used for the “Big Lick” padded shows