Adopt-A-Wild Horse & Burro Program
provides adopters or purchasers greater access to America’s wild horses and burros and improve customer service
American Horse Rescue Network
a charitable organization dedicated to the welfare of equines in the USA.
American Humane Association
promoting the welfare and safety of animals and strengthening the bond between animals and people
Animal Law Coalition
501(c)4 advocating for animals to live and live free of cruelty and neglect
ASPCA   American Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

oldest humane organization for animals in the Western hemisphere
•ASPCA Equine Program  •Become a member
•Receive the News Alert   •Pet Care:Horse Care

a member of the Empire State Animal Response Team (ESART) which offers training opportunities to volunteers
ASPCA NYS Disaster Response Services:


fantastic resource for the new and established rescue group

to provide a safe environment for unwanted, neglected and “at risk” horses to prevent as many as possible from suffering or going to slaughter
Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary

A 501c3 non profit corporation to provide not only freedom for unadoptable and unwanted wild horses
Also a research area dedicated to solving wild horse herd management

a learning lab for DVM students and researchers, with the horses as the teachers
Empire State Animal Response Team (ESART)

The association of recognized CARTS (County Animal Response Teams) across the state. A unifying network of organizations, businesses and government agencies and individuals that support the prevention of, preparedness for, response to and recovery from emergencies affecting animals

NYS Dept. of Agriculture & Mkts, Division of Animal Industry
Attn: David Chico V.M.D., 10B Airline Dr, Albany,NY
Equestrian Aid Foundation

to build a membership based org. to assist anyone in the equestrian world suffering from life threatening illness, catastrophic accidents or injuries by providing direct financial support

Equestrian Land Conservation Resource

a national nonprofit org dedicated to assisting all who live, work with, and ride horses to preserve land for equine use   Lexington, KY